A soft, moist, and scrumptious carrot dessert, traditionally known as Gajorer Sondesh, with a surprise delight at the center.
500-gm carrot
½ cup milk
½ cup of milk powder
½ cup condensed milk
¼ cup of sugar
2 tbsp ghee
¼ tsp cardamom
Chana/Cottage cheese made from 5 cups of milk
1 tbsp semolina
¼ cup powdered milk
1 tbsp ghee
¼ cup condensed milk
2 tbsp sugar
¼ tsp cardamom
1. Add shredded carrot to the food processor, pour milk, and blend
2. Transfer the carrot to a pan and sauté for 5 minutes
3. Add milk powder, condensed milk, and sugar while continuously stirring
4. Saute for another 5 minutes
5. Add ghee and cardamom powder
6. Mix well before transferring the carrot to a flat dish for it to chill for an hour
7. Prepare cottage cheese/ chana using milk, as shown here- https://youtu.be/LgUNMQXgfRQ
8. Transfer the cottage cheese to a flat plate and add semolina and powdered milk
9. Mix well then transfer the cottage cheese to a pan
10. Add ghee, condensed milk, and sugar
11. Cook on low heat until consistency thickens
12. Add cardamom powder and mix
13. Remove from heat to a flat surface and knead to a roll
14. Place the rolled cottage cheese on the edge of the carrot sheet and roll inward
15. Garnish with chopped pistachios
16. Ready to Enjoy!